Plauderthread: Vermittlung Russland: Michael - 1,5 Jahre - von Hunden schwer verletzt

  • Themenstarter moggy
  • Beginndatum
  • #41
Oh, thank you for explanation! Never mind.
Now I understand. So before the FIV-FelV-Test Michael should live alone or with cats which have negative FIV-FelV-Test result for about 1 month. Ok, we are able to organize quarantine for Michael and make FIV-FelV-Test after that.

And when should we organize quarantine? Today is the first day of vaccination (Nobivac Tricat Trio + Nobivac Rabies). On the 6th of February Michael will have revaccination with Nobivac Tricat Trio.


  • #42
Oh, thank you for explanation! Never mind.
Now I understand. So before the FIV-FelV-Test Michael should live alone or with cats which have negative FIV-FelV-Test result for about 1 month. Ok, we are able to organize quarantine for Michael and make FIV-FelV-Test after that.

Thats the way I learned it.

And when should we organize quarantine? Today is the first day of vaccination (Nobivac Tricat Trio + Nobivac Rabies). On the 6th of February Michael will have revaccination with Nobivac Tricat Trio.

I think the vaccination isn t relevant for the test results. But we have to test our own cats, too. It s planned next week because of a complete blood count of one of our cats.

But I have also to discuss with my boyfriend about Michael. Unfortunately, I can t promise. It is not and should not be a speedy decision. I m sorry.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • #43
Yes, I agree with you, everyone should think thoroughly about taking a new cat or dog. No doubt, this is difficult decision and great responsibility.

But anyway we are going to make the FIV-FelV-Test to know more about Michael! Thank you for information!
  • #44
Yes, I agree with you, everyone should think thoroughly about taking a new cat or dog. No doubt, this is difficult decision and great responsibility.

But anyway we are going to make the FIV-FelV-Test to know more about Michael! Thank you for information!

The test is important, but if he has negative test results, he should not get in contact with untested cats, because in case of that, he could be infected. He have to do the test again.

If my boyfriend agrees, we can only offer a temporary home. We aren't able to finance the medical treatment of yet another (seriously ill) cat. I know the finance situation in Omsk is not less better than here :(.
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  • #45
Yes, I understand, so it will be better for Michael to live alone before and after the FIV-FelV-Tests. Because we are not able to make these tests for another 3 cats, it is expensive.
We should think thoroughly about financial help and searching for permanent home.
  • #46
We should think thoroughly about financial help and searching for permanent home.

Do you have any connections in Germany?
Is it perhaps possible to send medical documents and photos of is injury via email? So I could ask my veterinary for an attractive price. That s my only idea at this moment.
  • #47
Yes, we are presented through animal welfare organization for homeless cats in Omsk.
Could you, please, send your email address? I will prepare materials and send you.
  • #48
  • #49
Thank you! I will try to describe each step of Michael's medical treatments.
  • #50
  • #51
Wie geht es dem michael?
Ich wünschihm so sehr ein zu Hause.
  • #52
Good morning, Katrin!

Fortunately, Michael has no reinforcement of allergic reaction after vaccination! We are so happy about it.

Michael is so thoughtful cat, he is always thinking about something and looking for birds in the street out of the window.

Best regards, Margaret.

  • #53
Dear Margar,
Michael ist beautiful and I hope this helps to find a new family as soon as possible. I'll keep my fingers crossed for Michael.

Ich hoffe wirklich sehr, dass eine liebe Familie auf dieses Katerchen aufmerksam wird.
  • #54
... es freut mich sehr, dass es dem Michael gut geht,
vielleicht lässt sich ja in Deutschland wenigstens eine Pflegestelle finden...
Danke sehr für die Bilder!

  • #55
Oh, es gobt neue Bilder von Michael :). Habe die letzten Tage immer gehofft, Neuigkeiten zu lesen und wollte schon fragen, aber das hat sich ja erledigt.

Mein Freund findet die Idee in Ordnung, Michael evtl. eine Pflegestelle zu bieten.
  • #56
@ Marlinskie

Thank you for your support.
Here is a history of Michael's medical treatment.

The beginning of the 2013

Michael was found in the street with a lot of deep wounds; near the knee the wound was so terrible that we can see naked bone. People saw how Michael was torn to pieces by a dog. Michael also had problems with urinary bladder so his urine included mucus and blood. Firstly, before operation, veterinarians cured his urinary bladder with antibiotics.

17 April

Michael has the first operation. Veterinarians sewed the panes of his skin and muscles together. The operation was long and required 2 dose of general anaesthetic.

18 April

Michael awoke after operation. For a week after operation Veterinarians cured Michael with antibiotics. Seams on the skin healed for a long time. Veterinarians said that Michael had bad regeneration of conjunctive tissue. It was a huge problem, because seams tore again and again. Skin on Michael’s body was heavily strained. He still can not jump because his skin is tightened.

29 April

Michael needed the second operation, because his skin did not knit in a proper way. The second operation and course of antibiotics after that was so harmful for Michael that Veterinarians thought that Michael would die. The Michael’s health was very bad… He did not eat anything and Veterinarians fed him with the help of medicine dropper. His life was under the threat.

The middle of May

After 2 weeks of intensive therapy Michael’s health became better. But he had bad regeneration of conjunctive tissue as always and Veterinarians stated to cure him using injections of ACTOVEGIN and ointment DERMAZIN.
2 operations and antibiotics had bad influence on Michael’s health. He stated to have problems with immune system and gastrointestinal tract. He had diarrhea because of antibiotics and he caught cold very often. He ate RC Recovery that time.

The beginning of the July

Michael left hospital because his health condition became stable. At that time he had the third operation – castration. Wounds healed little by little, bowel was suffered because of antibiotics.
Suddenly Michael started to have itch and scratched his wounds. Wounds were misshapen and located on his neck and body. Michael was checked up on lichen but the result was negative. So Veterinarians said that maybe his skin tore because it was not sewed not so accurate as it should be.


Michael ate RC Recovery, chicken and porridge. We used ointment DERMAZIN for better regeneration of his skin, but Michael suffers from strange Wounds on his body. Veterinarians started thinking about feed allergy. And we started to try different food for Michael. And Veterinarians come to a conclusion that he should eat meat and porridge. Michael had no bad reaction on one type of food - RC Hypoallergenic. So we stopped experiment with food for Michael.


Michael’s skin became better and he started to feel healthier. His gastrointestinal tract was normal because of dry feed. But we still had problems with big wound on Michael’s neck. He had itch sometimes and scratched the wound. He brought there pathogenic microbes, which sometimes leaded to inflammation and caused itching.


Michael took antibiotics and Lydase, because the wound on Michael’s neck was inflamed and bloody. At the end of the December inflammation decreased and the wound became small and dry.

January 2014

Michael felt good and we vaccinated him. He ate RC Hypoallergenic. Sometimes small wound on Michael’s neck itched and we used calming medical drops.
Veterinarians said that the wound on Michael’s neck would not heal by itself, because injured Michael was sewn not so carefully
The only solution is plastic operation... but in this case the risk is even greater, because after anesthesia Michael might not survive ... It is so severe in Omsk. His organism was weakened by 3 operations and antibiotics... Michael might not survive... He is so suffer from this wound. It bleeds, itches, becomes inflamed... But in Omsk such operation for Michael is risky...
  • #57
Such a sweetheart. :pink-heart:
  • #58
Kann jemand ohne Probleme übersetzen? Bei mir hakt es an manchen Stellen. Wäre schön, wenn sich jemand fände!

Thank you for your support.
Here is a history of Michael's medical treatment.
Dear Margaret, thanks for your trouble to describe Michael's medical treatment.

He still can not jump because his skin is tightened.
He cannot jump yet?

Michael ate RC Recovery, chicken and porridge. We used ointment DERMAZIN for better regeneration of his skin, but Michael suffers from strange Wounds on his body. Veterinarians started thinking about feed allergy. And we started to try different food for Michael. And Veterinarians come to a conclusion that he should eat meat and porridge. Michael had no bad reaction on one type of food - RC Hypoallergenic. So we stopped experiment with food for Michael.
Three questions:
1. What was his food before RC hypoallergenic?
2. Is it possible that he have problems with normal food because of his long way of operations and medicine and lots of antibiotics?
3. How do he react if he gets normal food? Is it itching? Or problems with gastrointestinal tract? Or both?

But we still had problems with big wound on Michael’s neck. He had itch sometimes and scratched the wound. He brought there pathogenic microbes, which sometimes leaded to inflammation and caused itching. (...)

Michael took antibiotics and Lydase, because the wound on Michael’s neck was inflamed and bloody. At the end of the December inflammation decreased and the wound became small and dry. (...)

It bleeds, itches, becomes inflamed... But in Omsk such operation for Michael is risky...
Soll es noch mal genäht werden? Auf dem Foto sieht es gar nicht so groß aus, das täuscht wohl?

Habt ihr in Omsk Silberspray/kollodiales Silber? Es ist gut, um Wunden zur Heilung vor dem Eindringen von Keimen zu schützen. Leider habe ich keine englische Übersetzung gefunden.
  • #59
Wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe, müsste er eigentlich noch einmal operiert werden, weil die Wunde an seinem Hals durch die ganzen Entzündungen und Bakterien nicht von selbst heilen wird. Sie schreibt etwas von plastischer OP, ich nehme also an einer Wundabdeckung z.B. mit Eigenhaut. Das Problem ist nur, dass der arme Kerl durch die drei OPs, die er bereits hatte, abwehrtechnisch so geschwächt ist, dass er eine erneute Narkose wohl evtl. nicht überleben würde.

Zumindest in der Humanmedizin ist es so, dass lange Antibiotikagaben den Darm schwächen könne, es zu Durchfall kommen kann etc.

Die OP vom letzten Jahr selbst war wohl recht lang, er musste zweimal narkotisiert werden. Verbliebene Muskeln und Haut wurden zusammengeneht. Deswegen auch die Bewegungseinschränkung, weils wohl verdammt straff ist bzw. die Haut jetzt einfach extrem spannt.
  • #60
Danke Dir erstmal :).

Ich hoffe, dass noch jemand die genauen Absätze übersetzt.

Kann mir momentan noch nicht richtig ein Bild machen, um das meinem TA vorzustellen.

Aber Rettung kommt bestimmt!

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